Sunday, December 21, 2008

Litumezi, Salamat, Zikomo, Tack, Spacibo, Ashoge, Kamsahamnida, Chjoonta, Obrigada, Danke, Gracias....Thank you!

Just wanted to share a post from The Rodgers in Zambia. They wanted to say "Thank You" for all that you give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. This offering has always had significant meaning to us as we have benefited several times from your gifts to Lottie Moon but as we look at the possibility of going back overseas with the International Mission Board to Zambia - it has taken on another dimension. Please check out this post . It really does say it all. From just a few of the different languages of the world, THANK YOU!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Great reminder of where our money goes! Thanks!!!