Saturday, June 25, 2011

Two Things

#1 Where were you 730 days ago? I know exactly where I was! Two years ago today, we arrived in Lusaka, Zambia! I still vividly remember that day. I remember walking out of the airport into the hugs of our new team members. We are so glad that we are here!

#2 We are so looking forward to September. Nicholas and Alyssa Peveto arrive in Lukulu on September 24. Tomorrow (after church), First Baptist Church-Spurger is helping them raise money for their mission trip with a benefit lunch. Please pray that the Lord will move His people to be super generous and just overwhelm Alyssa and Nicholas with His blessings. If you live near them and can help them monetarily with this trip, make it a point to get in contact with them. I know they will appreciate any and everything you can do to help them!
Below is more information about them and their mission trip:

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