Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Whatever it takes to get there....

Every Wednesday, the kids and I drive about 30 minutes to Chamba Valley Baptist Church to share Jesus with a bunch of great kids.  The tarmac ends and the dirt begins about 15 minutes into the trip.  With the rains, the dirt road has become mud.  At places the mud has dried into deep furrows.  And still, there are those places that makes my heart pound and my hands sweat (literally).  There I go down that road, alone with my three kids - trying to conquer those murky mud holes that could keep us from sharing Jesus with 'my' kids.  At least, that is how I see them...
Last week, there were three bad spots.  The week before that, I got stuck in one of them for just a few minutes. As my heart sank, I was whispering prayers as I put our truck in 4 wheel drive low and thankfully, was able to back up out of the pit.  
But I digress - today, the road was better and I got my hopes up a bit.  Then I saw it.  It was a big one that was really two with a small island in between them.  About 5 guys were standing on the other side of the water, just watching me.  I stopped, put the truck in 4 wheel drive LOW, praying the whole way, and...we got through it!  You know it was bad when those guys watching started cheering for me as I made it through that mud pit.  So, below is the evidence of a day of doing whatever it takes to share Jesus with the children of Chamba Valley.

As the Zambian children have begun a new school year, these past two weeks we have had the lowest attendance that we have had since beginning last August.  But for me, every one counts.  I love seeing their beautiful faces as they learned about Elijah on Mount Carmel and that God is more powerful than 850 prophets of Baal.  Then they worked on the memory verse from Psalm 121:2 - "My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth."

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Favorite Books of 2013

If you know me, you know that I am a reader.  I read exclusively Christian fiction/Non-fiction.  I have some favorite books that I want to share with you.  Not sure they are really the very favorite of 2013, as the title says, but they are at least the ones that I can think of right now...
What were some of your favorites?

Friday, January 17, 2014

Hello 2014!

Yes, time has flown by without many updates from me last year.  2013 was a difficult year for me.  As we moved from the bush to the city, I honestly couldn't think of much to share on here.  Our ministry totally changed and I was slow in accepting what the Lord had for us.  It truly took me about a year to really fall into our new normal.  I have not arrived yet but I want to let you in on the journey a little more.  It is hard to be open and honest here but I am going to try to do better.  I started this blog to help keep the grandparents and family updated with picture of my children but I really hope to do MORE this year - more stories, more pictures, more depth, more honesty, more prayers....
Stay tuned for more...