Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter, Zambian Style

I have very much enjoyed this Easter season this year.  In the total absence of new spring clothes, bunnies, chocolate, easter baskets, cute pinterest worthy cupcakes/candies, egg hunts and the big traditional family meal - I am enjoying the emphasis that most Zambian churches place on this "holiday".  For Zambians, Easter means church.  Jeff has been preaching an Easter Emphasis at a local church here in Lusaka from Thursday to Sunday.  As we have all had to get ready each and every day for church, some of us have been a bit reluctant to attend church (me included) but as we have experienced the wonderful worship and sermons, it really has shed a new light on Easter for our family.  It has been so wonderful to worship with other Zambians each day with the emphasis on the Cross and Christ's resurrection.  After we have done this, just one short Sunday morning worship service just doesn't seem like enough.  Each worship service has been over 2 hours and tomorrow's service (Resurrection Day) promises to be a very extended time of worship.
But, oh!, how worthy is our Lord to be praised!
Happy Resurrection Day!

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